Admissions open for the academic year 2024-25. - Call Us : Ph. : 080 – 28397648 / 23721148


“A school is actually a home away from home for any student”. We TMPHS creates a favourable environment for students holistic development. Our infrastructure includes spacious and well ventilated classrooms with classroom furniture’s and accessories, playgrounds, game equipments, well maintained sanitation facilities, electricity, and an auditorium equipped with latest technology for conducting various educational programmes.


“Safety and care of every child is a integral responsibility of TMPHS”. Safety and learning- go hand -in -hand. Students who feel that they are not adequately supported and safe at school, both physically & psychologically, cannot learn to their fullest potential.

Security officer- Retd.Traffic Sub-Inspector Mr. Arasoji shoulders the complete security check at all the entry of the gates of the school. Each block of the school has security guards and house keeping ladies to look after the safety of every child. Hygiene of the children at school is taken care by security dept. CCTV cameras are installed at multiple locations and access control at all entry and exit points, transport management, background screening of teaching and supporting staff.


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